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Deactivating your Steady project
Updated over a week ago

It is possible to deactivate your project, but only once you no longer have any paying members and any remaining earnings have been paid out to you.

The process for removing active memberships and deactivating your project is as follows:

  1. Inform your members as well. Even if you're sure want to end your project, it's important to let your paying members know, so they won't be confused or feel like they're being charged money for no reason. A simple message to let them know why you are ending your project is a good idea.

  2. We will then cancel all remaining active memberships. At this point your members will receive notification that their memberships are cancelled, and of any refunds they are due.

    Note: members with annual memberships are entitled to a refund for the remaining number of months on their membership plan.

    When a member signs up for an annual membership, we hold on to the money and pay it out to you in monthly portions, so that we can pay this refund if needed. More on annual plans.

  3. Next we will set your Steady page to "secret". Then we will archive all your plans.

  4. Once any remaining earnings have been paid out in full, we will deactivate your project.

A project can only be deleted if no money has yet been paid. If members have already paid money for a project, we have to archive it and cannot delete it.

How long do refunds take to process?

Once you have informed us you wish to deactivate your project, we will start processing your members' refunds.

For PayPal users, the refund should show in their account almost immediately. For members using credit cards or direct debits, payment processing times can vary by up to 10 days.

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