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How to promote your membership programme for maximum impact
How to promote your membership programme for maximum impact
Updated over 8 months ago

Here at Steady, we want to know exactly what makes the best membership programmes thrive.

Industry research has found that creators who promote their membership programmes every week earn more than 30% more than those who only promote them once a month. And those who promote their membership programmes every day earn 75% more!

Some creators struggle with promoting their work and prefer to just get on with the creative work itself. But these numbers speak volumes: the more you promote your membership programme, the more you will earn, giving you greater independence and the ability to continue your work long-term.

Promoting your membership programme is a no-brainer, but it doesn’t have to be hard. There are many very simple ways to make promotion part of your workflow, so you can get back to doing what you love. Below are our tips for promoting your

membership programme not just more often, but more effectively as well.

Little reminders, made often

At Steady, we often talk about the 5x5 rule: on average, your fans need 5 reminders in order to sign up for a membership of 5 euros per month. Simply mentioning your membership programme once or twice isn’t going to do the trick.

Regular, short, snappy reminders are the way to go. Here’s a list of the ways you can keep your membership programme at the top of your fans’ minds:

  • Podcasts: Mention your membership programme at the beginning, middle and end of each podcast. You can pre-record a membership promo to run in the middle of each episode, and then add more timely or personal reminders at the beginning and end of your show

  • Newsletters: Add an enticing banner in the middle and at the end of each newsletter, reminding readers that they can sign up to support your continued work

  • Reminders don’t all have to sound the same – thanking your members by giving them a shout-out can be a powerful way to get new members to sign up

  • A simple one-liner in a newsletter or article can be very effective. E.g. “Want to read more unique coverage like this? Sign up as a member to help support my work.”

  • Schedule at least one social media post per week that clearly promotes your membership programme

  • Use tweets and Instagram Stories to sprinkle additional membership-related content throughout the week. This can include grateful messages from members, sneak-peeks of exclusive members-only content, or coverage of other member benefits, like exclusive events or merchandise

> Just getting started with memberships? Here’s a checklist of all the places to mention your new membership programme, from podcast show notes and email signatures to social media bios and more

Keep your messaging simple

When it comes to promoting your membership programme, the simpler, the better. There are just three things you indeed to include in your promotion:

  • Where listeners can sign up for membership (ie. your Steady page)

  • Why you need support – this might include what the funds cover, or what their support will enable you to produce

  • A "thank you" to those who already support you

Make promotion part of your regular production process

Promoting your membership programme shouldn’t be an afterthought! After all, membership is the best way for your fans to show their support – and help guarantee the future of your work.

Membership promotion for podcasts

So don’t leave your promotion till the last minute. If you’re recording a new podcast series, think about how to create promotional content as you go. Here are some examples:

  1. If you’re going to be in a studio, that would be a great time to pre-record a set of membership promos you can use in each episode.

  2. You could take some photos of you and your team in the studio, to show what your members’ support has funded.

  3. Or if you’re recording exclusive members-only episodes, you might offer a sneak-peek at what members will be able to access – but only if they sign up now!

Membership promotion for blogs, newsletters and social media

If you publish regular articles, newsletters or social media content, make sure to schedule membership promo into your content plan. Once you’re in the habit, mentioning your membership programme will feel like second nature.

Start by brainstorming promo content that feels authentic to your project:

  • Would your members appreciate personal shout-outs in your newsletter?

  • A Member of the Week interview segment would allow you to profile the people keeping your project alive while promoting your membership programme

  • Highlighting content that members suggested or helped create is a great way to show potential members the benefits of membership

  • Use the Steady Paywall to ringfence certain content for members only – and show potential members what they’re missing out on

  • Feature certain membership benefits to help show them off and bring in new members

Promote memberships to secure your future

Promoting your membership programme doesn’t have to be hard work, but it is important. You rely on your members to continue your great work – so don’t be afraid to thank them for it and invite new members to jump aboard.

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