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Shout it from the rooftops: What to do after launching your Steady page
Shout it from the rooftops: What to do after launching your Steady page
Updated over a week ago

Got your Steady page all set up? Excellent. Publish it as soon as possible so you can get on with signing up your first members. The more noise you make about your Steady page, the sooner you will see your first membership revenues trickle in.

Here are some tips for spreading the word about your Steady page:

1. Share your Steady page with friends and family

These are people who can give you valuable feedback and they are likely to become your first members. If you give your friends and family a head-start, then by the time you are ready to share your Steady page with the wider public you should already have your first members signed up, which adds credibility.

What’s more, the people who know you best can also become powerful advocates for your project, telling their networks and helping word to spread.

2. Write an email to your community

In our experience, it’s easier to attract members and ask for their support when you email them directly. If you don't have a mailing list, that’s fine. If you would like to build a mailing list, you can collect email addresses very effectively using Steady.

3. Share on social media

Spread the good news on all your channels – and make sure to spread it regularly.

  • Start with the core message: Now your community can support you with Steady!

  • Post a short video in which you promote your membership program.

  • Link directly to your Steady page.

  • Pin your post to the top of your Facebook or Twitter profile to keep it visible.

4. Share the link to your Steady page anywhere and everywhere

Think about where people from your community might come across your membership program and link to your Steady page there. A little checklist:

  • Your email signature

  • Your website

  • All articles or posts on your site

  • All videos – on YouTube, for example, you can use cards or add a link in the video credits

  • Podcast episode or video descriptions

  • Blurbs on your social media profiles

  • Descriptions on all the platforms you use (YouTube, Twitch, Spotify, etc.)

  • Any social media posts in which you are sharing your content (eg. “To enable us to produce more stories like this, support us on Steady”)

5. Use Steady logos and buttons

In some places a logo or a button is more effective than just a link. For example, in your website header, on your social media cover photos or in the banner of your YouTube channel. Download our logo and our buttons to use on your website and channels.

6. Are you a podcaster? Remember the 3x3 rule

  • Mention Steady three times in each episode of your podcast: At the beginning, somewhere in the middle and again at the end.

  • Remember to mention these three things: Where listeners can find your Steady page, why you need support and a "thank you". The URL of your Steady page is publication. The URLs and also work.

7. Make use of Steady's numerous features

Steady offers a number of features to help you to more effectively promote your membership program and offer exclusive content. For example, you can set up a paywall, an exclusive podcast feed, adblock detection, or a floating button to show your community that they can support you. Here’s a handy list of all the features and how to use them.

8. Give them a nudge

It’s important to keep reminding your community about your membership program, because many people won't sign up the first time they hear about it, even though they like what you do. Give them a couple of reminders and see them come on board.

9. A final tip for pros

Ask the people who sign up as members to recommend your publication and your Steady page to their friends and acquaintances (you might do this in a welcome email, for example). Your members want to support you, so they'll be happy to recommend you.

Bonus Tips

  • Let your community know why you decided to offer memberships. Tell them your story – that will make the whole thing more tangible.

  • Print your steady-URL on business cards and your merch.

  • Tag @joinsteadyEN on Twitter and Instagram.

  • Mention your Steady page in press interviews and presentations.

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